Day Trip To Brighton Part Three

We left the Southover and it was down hill all the way , (terrain-wise), we passed this place without going in.

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I later discovered its actually now called The Village, as evidenced by the blackboard in the window, apparently now a craft bar that has a couple cask beers on gravity, I now wish i’d had a look inside, I don’t see whats up with the original name though,maybe it’s just not trendy enough.

The next port of call was The Admiral, by now the previous alcohol intake was beginning to make itself known and my note taking, picture taking and indeed memory was a little more slack. However I remember an interesting curved frontage to the pub, inside it is open plan and not particularly memorable (reference previous alcohol intake)  , other than members of our pub crawl group we had now reunited with, it was rather quiet, but as a live music venue I’m sure it has livelier times. There are six hand pumps on the bar but a number of our crowd, myself included were disappointed  to find just two beers on, Titanic Plum Porter (whats wrong with that? I here you cry, well I just don’t like it) and Hammerpot Double Helix, I tend not to like Hammerpot beers either, but to be fair it was ok.


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The Admiral Inn

I was looking forward to the next pub, by reputation a proper boozer.

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The Mitre Tavern

As you can see , a Harvey’s pub, traditional backstreet stuff, basic but proper. I am not the biggest fan of their beers (not my thing in general) but the Porter was very good.

Some of the Pubs Galore crowd studying form in The Mitre Tavern
Big Steve having drunk up and raring to go.

After The Mitre it was back to more familiar Territory, The Great Eastern.20180323_174230 (2)

Another proper pub, decent beer and if it’s your thing an extensive range of Whisky and Bourbon.

We were now sort of on the home stretch, up Trafalgar street just before the train station is The Prince Albert, a favorite of mine, multi-roomed with a very bohemian and eccentric feel about it, with good beer to boot.

Just one of the rooms in The Prince Albert

That should have been that, but one can’t go to Brighton without visiting Dark Star’s, The Evening Star, just a short stumble from the station, It’s a wonderful place to end up , the problem is of course having to leave, It’s a busy and desirable place to be.

It had been a good day out with some very good company, but thirteen pubs later it was about time to head home. The beer was reasonable without being outstanding, no bad pints on the day, best by far though, and strongest, was the Arundle  Uptown, enjoyed very much in BrewDog.

4 thoughts on “Day Trip To Brighton Part Three

  1. A good read Moby,
    I would have liked to have seen an outside photo of all the pubs you went in as it gives me an idea of what the pub my be like.
    I do hope you continue to blog about the pubs you visit in the future.

    Cheers Alan


  2. Thanks Alan, hope things are going ok with you. I intend to take photos of all the pubs I visit but sometimes once into a crawl they go a bit by the wayside with me, the blogs a bit part time at the moment but there will be more soon.
    All the best


  3. I am still having radiotherepy and have not been out for a proper drink since December 2017.
    I hope to find out if i am going to get as good as i can get in the next couple of months, i have been very ill but i do feel the best i have done since my op, i will never be able to speak again or eat properly but i am still here which is a bonus.
    Cheers Alan


  4. You have my very best wishes Alan and I hope you get as well as you possibly can as soon as possible.It’s good you can think positively.
    All the best


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